Phytosanitary requirement by People’s Republic of China

To safeguard the country’s agricultural economy and the biodiversity from the ravages of exotic pests, every country has specified phytosanitary conditions so as to mitigate these pests OR otherwise impose restrictions/prohibitions based on scientific justifications. Moreover, every country periodically conducts/reviews the Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) of a commdity before its import and lays down phytosanitary conditions. Most of the countries issues Import Permit or Import Licence incorporating the phytosanitary requirement including the treatment(s). Exporters should procure these requirements and provide to the Treatment Provider. However, some of the important phytosanitary measures required by these countries have been compiled for ready reference with the advice to ascertain the country’s current regulations for details, its completeness and authenticity.

  1. Plant Protection & Quarantine Act


  1. Enforcement Rules of Plant Protection and Quarantine Act


  1. Major responsibilities of plant quarantine


  1. Quarantine Requirements for The Importation of Plants or Plant Products into The Republic of China









Commodity Treatment & Dosage Exposure Period Additional Declaration on Phytosanitary Certificate (PSC) Other conditions
Mango Hot water treatment (HWT) with 520 C. HWT with fungicidal dipping (Proposed)

Hot water treatment (HWT) of fruits is carried out in hot water treatment tanks fitted with thermostatic controls to maintain a constant desired temperature of 520 C. The hot water is treated with fungicide such as Sodium hypo chloride at 200 ppm oncentration for 2-3 minutes. After the treatment the fruits are passed through a drying table till the moisture on the surface of fruits gets evaporated and thereafter wiped with a soft muslin cloth.


(China is further revising the existing protocol, before re-start import)

Methyl bromide @ 80 gm/m3 48 hours This is to certify that the consignment to China has been inspected by Plant Quarantine Organisation of India and has been found free from Trogoderma granarium (Khapra beetle), Prosptephanus truncatus, Ditylenchus angustus,Striga angustifolia, Striga asiatica and Striga densiflora. 1.      The rice from India to China can be exported only from the processing units registered by the National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) in accordance with the procedures laid down in the SOP.

2.          In case of Merchant Exporter, a declaration that the product has been procured from and processed in Registered Mills.

3.        The exporter shall furnish a Certificate of Origin from an agency authorized by Government of India for each consignment of rice for export to China.

4.       Organically produced rice will be exported as per standard duly certified by certification bodies accredited by the national accreditation body of India.

Grapes Cold treatment may be conducted, in .translt in refrigerated containers with the pulp temperature at 1.1°C or beiow for not less than 15 consecutive days.

(The facilities of the cold treatment should be evaluated and approved by AQSIQ).

As per Article-8 of the Protocol, additional declaration should be mentioned that consignment of grape is in compliance with requirements described in the protocol of phytosaniotary requirements for the export of grapes from India to China on 11th April, 2005 and is free from quarantine pests concerned by China.