Date |
Issuing Authority |
Subject in brief |
01-07-2019 |
F.No. 8-131/2016-PPII |
Relaxation of fumigation regulations for import of agricultural commodities extended upto 31-12-2019 |
27-12-2018 |
F.No. 8-131/2016-PPII |
Relaxation of fumigation regulations for import of agricultural commodities extended upto 30-06-2019 |
01-08-2018 |
Dte. of PPQ&S
F.No. 99-76/2018-PQD |
Clarification for need of Issuance of Import Permit for Plants & Plant Products |
06-07-2018 |
Dte. of PPQ&S
F.No. 95-1/2013-PQD |
List of Processed commodities having less phytosanitary risks need no clearance from Plant Quarantine authorities |
26-06-2018 |
F.No. 8-131/2016-PPII |
Relaxation of fumigation regulations for import of agricultural commodities extended upto 31-12-2018 |
29-12-2017 |
F.No. 8-131/2016-PPII |
Relaxation of fumigation regulations for import of agricultural commodities extended upto 30-06-2018 |
28-06-2017 |
F.No. 8-131/2016-PPII |
Relaxation of fumigation regulations for import of agricultural commodities extended upto 31-12-2017 |
26-05-2017 |
F.No. 8-18/2017-PPII |
Orders regarding delegation of powers under clause 14 of the Plant Quarantine(Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003 to relax the conditions of Import Permit and Phytosanitary Certificate has been withheld. |
18-05-2017 |
Dte. of PPQ&S
F.No. 99/18/2016-PQD-II |
Agricultural commodities imported through different Ports of Entry into India
and fumigation with Methyl bromide (MBr)-clarification regarding |
05-05-2017 |
F.No. 8-18/2017-PPII |
Delegation of Powers under Clause 14 of the Plant Quarantine(Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003 to relax the conditions of Import Permit and Phytosanitary Certificate |
30-3-2017 |
F.No. 8-131/2016-PPII |
Relaxation of fumigation regulations for import of agricultural commodities wherein treatment with Methyl bromide is stipulated in P.Q. Order, 2003, extended upto 30th June, 2017 |
02-01-2017 |
F.No. 8-131/2016-PPII |
Relaxation of fumigation regulations for import of agricultural commodities wherein treatment with Methyl bromide is stipulated in P.Q. Order, 2003, will be allowed till 31-3-2017 without offshore Methyl bromide fumigation from those countries, which certify discontinuance of this chemical for phytosanitary measures. |
29-9-2016 |
DO No. 18-66/2016-PPII |
Extention of Interim arrangements with France, USA and Canada upto 31-03-2017 for allowing fumigation of Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival |
01-07-2016 |
No. 8-29 t2016-pp.II
OM No. 99-1/2015-PQD-81 |
Clarification regarding import of Coal- no phytosanitary risk |
19-02-2016 |
Union Department of Agriculture
DO.No.18-56/2003-PP.I (Vol.II) |
Extention of Interim arrangements with France upto 30-09-2016 for allowing fumigation of Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival |
22-2-2016 |
Union Department of Agriculture
DO.No.18-22/2016-PP.II |
Extention of Interim arrangements with USA upto 30-09-2016 for allowing fumigation of Chick Peas, Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival. |
16-05-2016 |
OM No. 99-1/2015-PQD-81 |
Directions issued regarding
Relaxation of Import Permit and PSC- Forwardal of case |
29-02-2016 |
Union Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Family Welfare
DO.No.18-20/2015-PP.II |
Extention of Interim arrangements with Canada upto 30-09-2016 for allowing fumigation of Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival. |
19-02-2016 |
Union Department of Agriculture
DO.No.18-56/2003-PP.I (Vol.II) |
Extention of Interim arrangements with France upto 30-09-2016 for allowing fumigation of Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival |
22-2-2016 |
Union Department of Agriculture
DO.No.18-22/2016-PP.II |
Extention of Interim arrangements with USA upto 30-09-2016 for allowing fumigation of Chick Peas, Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival. |
20-04-2015 |
No. 99-1/2014-PQD(Pt.) |
Mis-declaration by the Importers- Advisory to comply with PQ Order, 2003 |
September, 2015 |
Union Department of Agriculture
DO.No.18-24/2004-PP.I (Vol. III) |
Extention of Interim arrangements with USA upto 31-03-2016 for allowing fumigation of Chick Peas, Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival. |
September, 2015 |
Union Department of Agriculture
DO.No.18-20/2015-PP.II |
Extention of Interim arrangements with Canada upto 31-03-2016 for allowing fumigation of Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival. |
28th August, 2015 |
Union Department of Agriculture
DO.No.18-56/2003-PP.I (Vol.II) |
Extention of Interim arrangements with France upto 31-03-2016 for allowing fumigation of Peas & Pulses consignment at Port of arrival |
13th March, 2015 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.18-24/2004-PP.I (Vol.III) |
Extention of Interim arrangements upto 30th September, 2015 with USA for quarantine clearance of Peas and Pulses consignment imported into India without fumigation with Mbr in USA |
5-12-2014 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.8-101/2014-PP.II |
Original IP and PSC to be defused viz. Cancellation Stamp marked while forwarding relaxation cases. |
30/10/2014 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.8-65/2012-PP.II |
Agri commodities imported from countries which have phased out the use of MBr for Plant Quarantine purposes may be got fumigated at Indian ports and released after inspection by charging five times the inspection fees. |
2-7-2014 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.18-5/2007-PP.II |
Extention of Interim arrangements upto 31-12-2014 for allowing fumigation of Pulses consignment at Port of arrival. (Pulse consignment which do not fulfill the phytosanitary requirement regarding freedon from weed seeds/soil and fumigation with Methyl bromide.) |
01-09-2014 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.18-16/2004-PP.II(Vol.III) |
Extention of Interim arrangements with Canada upto 31-03-2015 for allowing fumigation of Pulse consignment at Port of arrival. |
6-09-2013 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.18-16/2004-PP.II(Vol.III) |
Extention of Interim arrangements with Canada upto 31-03-2014 for allowing fumigation of Pulse consignment at Port of arrival. |
16-01-2012 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No. 8-1/2007-PPII |
Pulses from Canada, USA & France-relaxation of penalty fees |
08-04-2011 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.18-16/2004-PP.I (Vol.II) Pt. |
Pulses from Canada: Additional declaration from freedom of soil. Not to treat as non-compliance till the pulses arrangement is finalised. |
30-08-2010 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.8-56/2010-PP.II |
One time relaxation to each party in all cases of non-compliances including phytosanitary treatments, can be given by the Officer Incharge of P.Q. Stations. |
11-12-2009 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.8-1/2007-PP.I |
Practice of auction and subsequent seeking of phytosanitary clearance of the Abandoned Timber Logs at Kandla to be curtailed. |
17-04-2007 |
Union Department of Agriculture No.18-7/2006-PP.II |
Relaxation on import of wheat- date extended upto 30-06-2007. |
11-7-2006 |
Union Department of Agriculture No.18-7/2006-PP.II |
Disposal of Imported wheat by milling or its distribution in the areas where wheat is not grown. |
03-07-2006 |
Union Department of Agriculture No.18-7/2006-PP.II |
Relaxation on import of wheat upto 31-12-2006 |
02-02-2005 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.8-5/2004-PP.I(Pt.) |
Clarification regarding Delegation of Powers to Officer Incharge of PQ Stations for relaxing the requirment of PSC and IP as a one time exception to each party. |
10-12-2004 |
Union Department of Agriculture
F.No.8-5/2004-PP.I(Pt.) |
Delegation of Powers to Officer Incharge of PQ Stations for relaxing the import requirment under clause 14 of PQ Order, 2003 for the commodities listed in Schedule VI and VII of PQ Order, 2003. |